
Showing posts from October, 2020
  ISLAM AND THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN Before Islam,women did not have many rights. Having boys was considered to be more honourable than having girls because boys  were viewed as superior to girls.The pre-Islamic era was known as the age of Jahilliyah or the age of ignorance, meaning the age of barbarism, darkness, and ignorance of God’s guidance.Before Islam women were considered personal properties of men and they believed women as a cause of indignity and embarrassment.People used to bury their daughter’s alive just because of the fear that an increase in female offspring would result in economic burden,even father’s sold their daughters into marriage for a price.Women before Islam had little or no property and they could not  even inherit property. One of the most important roles for women was to produce children, especially male offspring; women also cooked meals, milked animals, washed clothes, prepared butter and cheese, spun wool, and wove fabric for tents.Upper class women had more